Words of Wisdom

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When you are seeking to focus on Me and yet your mind wanders to things of lesser importance, praise Me! The Spirit of worship brings the consciousness of My presence to the core of your being and dispels the nagging thoughts that distract you.
True worship brings to mind the loving kindness, goodness and graciousness bestowed on you as My child. It strengthens and deepens your love for Me and Mine for you. Just when you think you couldn't love Me more, you become aware of another avenue––another way––of growing your love.
Sometimes the lessons you know to be true need to be repeated in the life-long process of growing and maturing in My ways.


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Yes, contemplate on Who I Am and who you are in Me. You are really in two realms––as an earthly being and a spiritual being. Contemplate for a moment the separation of the two. As one who lives on this earth, you operate under the five senses and are thus exposed to trials of a physical nature. And as a spiritual being––knowing Me––your focus and mind-control are of a more spiritual nature and your understanding of life is deeper as you embrace an eternal focus and nature.
Is it any wonder then that you are misunderstood by those of worldly thinking for they are on a different plane struggling with existence while you have chosen life over existence only and live in that plane above and beyond the physical?
See then the need for your patience and love toward those who are blind to your chosen direction. Sincere prayers on their behalf and a righteous nature will awaken them to the light of your being and they will see and hear the glories of a life worth living.
Deep calls unto deep. . .Psalm 42:7

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When you have prayed fervently for someone or something and the outcome of that prayer did not meet your hopes or expectations, say to Me. . . ."According to Your Will, O Lord." It is enough that your prayers were fervent and sincere, for they accomplished the blessings sent forth to bless the person of your prayers or the occasion.
I alone know the timing of a thing, that is why it is paramount to end all prayers with. . . ."Your Will be done". And with the words, let there be a heart dedication to that end, giving Me the right of choice. For My love in every situation of choice is beyond human comprehension in its purity and its righteous direction.
Oh, that My devoted ones would seek to understand this, not to ask "why" but to rest in the truth and blessings of it.
~ Yes Father, for You know so much better than we know the way of things. ~

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Our Mission

To bring people’s awareness of God’s great love for each of us through the medium of music, writings, and that I might deliver heart-felt aspiration to inspire them to receive Jesus Christ as their savior, so that none would be lost.

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542 County Road 2073, Eureka Springs, AR 72632

Email: songbirdoen@gmail.com